Jul 25, 2021
'Class 6 | Science | Components of Food | Nutrients and Balanced Diet In this module, you will learn about the importance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates provide energy to perform various body activities such as walking, running and breathing. What are the sources of carbohydrates? The carbohydrate-rich foods include wheat, rice, potato, sugarcane, mango, watermelon and bananas. What do fats do in our body? Fats provide energy similar to carbohydrates. In fact, they provide double the energy compared to carbohydrates. Hence, fats, along with carbohydrates, are called ‘energy giving foods’. Fats are deposited underneath our skin and around the internal organs. They prevent rapid loss of heat from our body to the surroundings thereby maintaining the normal temperature of the body. To watch the complete lesson, register to get 5-day full access for free visit - http://bit.ly/2KbImVd'
Tags: class 6 science , science videos , class 6 , cbse class 6 , compenents of food
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